Stories Past Collage Subscription Information <  



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Stories Past is designed for schools and is related to both National and State standards.


Special Pricing Offer! - Try Stories Past for this school year, or for summer school, for an introductory price.

We provide classroom and site licenses based on the number of students who will use the module, or a single license for individuals to use in a shared workspace. Classroom licenses include lesson plans for all of the modules, as well as your own page for the contributed Tell the Story exercise. Licenses are valid for one year.

For more information call us at (865) 773-9031 or email us at 

For individuals, a one year subscription to the Upstairs in the Past Module is currently $19.99

Please send a check or money order to:, P.O. Box 27084, Knoxville, TN 37927

Please make the amount to

We will require your name, and an email address. We will send out your user name and password upon receipt.

Please direct any question to

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